It is an income tax relief scheme which is operated by HMRC. Donating or “gifting” through Gift Aid is where we as a charity, can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you donate or “gift”. This can include all donations from the last four years.

What is Gift Aid?
How does it work?
Gift Aid increases the value of your donation by 25% as we can reclaim the basic rate of tax on your gift. Charities can claim back tax on monetary gifts.
What can and cannot be Gift Aided?
We can claim Gift Aid on gifts/donations where we have the required information which can include correctly filled out sponsorship forms.
We cannot claim gift aid on tickets to an event or competition, auction items, organisation donations, non-monetary gifts, raffle items and any monetary gifts where we do not have information required to claim gift aid (for example, many individuals giving to money from collections).
- You must be a UK tax payer
- Paid tax on income or capital gains within the financial year
- The donation must be no more than 4 times what you have paid in tax in that tax year (6th April – 5th April)
High rate tax payers
If you pay the higher rate or the additional rate, you can claim the difference between the rate you pay and the basic rate on your donation. This can be done via Self-Assessment tax return or by asking HMRC to amend the tax code.
How to proceed?
For the charity to proceed, we would require all the information within the Gift Aid form to be filled out. The details asked within the form are the bare minimum information we require for Gift Aid to be claimed. Please ensure correct details are filled out.
Please click here to view our Gift Aid Form.
If in the future, you stop paying enough tax you must let you know in writing that you have stopped so we can update our database and ensure that Gift Aid is not claimed.